
CroXray URL Scheme #

CroXray private sharing protocol supports one-click opening of the app and importing of configurations.

Please note: CroXray private sharing protocol does not support subscription. If you put sharing links in subscription, they will not be imported.

Xray Setting #


data is the text encoded by XrayJson with base64. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

name is the configuration name. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

Note: When you want to share the routing configuration, please also share the associated rule set data. The following import method is supported.


Outbound #

Although the app supports this sharing method, it is recommended that you still use the common protocol to avoid duplicate development.

Xray-core #


data is the text encoded by XrayJson with base64. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

name is the outbound name. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

Hysteria 2 #


data is the text encoded by Hysteria 2 yaml with base64. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

name is the outbound name. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

Full Config #

The “Full Config” supports only Xray-core.


data is the text encoded by XrayJson with base64. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

name is the configuration name. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

Raw Config #

Xray-core #


data is the text encoded by XrayJson with base64. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

name is the configuration name. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

Hysteria 2 #


data is the text encoded by Hysteria 2 yaml with base64. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

name is the configuration name. It is recommended that you escape it with encodeURIComponent.

Subscription #


url is the subscription link, and it is recommended that you use encodeURIComponent to escape it.

name is the subscription name, and it is recommended that you use encodeURIComponent to escape it.

Rule Set #


type is the rule set type, which can be domain or ip.

url is the rule set download link, and it is recommended that you use encodeURIComponent to escape it.

name is the rule set name, and it is recommended that you use encodeURIComponent to escape it.